Entries in squirrel control devices (1)


How Are Tree Squirrels a Threat to Your Home?

Feeding frenzy


While tree squirrels may look like an adorable member of your yard’s ecosystem, these furry creatures can actually pose a serious threat to your home. When tree squirrels take up residence in the trees around your property, it is only a matter of time before the cold winter weather will cause them to seek shelter inside of your attic and house. Here is a look at some of the reasons why tree squirrels are a threat to your home.

Tree Squirrel Behavior

Tree squirrels are so named because they typically live in trees during the warmer months of the year. These rodents need a rich diet of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in order to survive. To achieve the right balance of nutrition, tree squirrels feed on tree nuts. During the colder months of the year, these food sources are not readily available. This lack of food will cause tree squirrels to search for food elsewhere.

Tree Squirrels and Your Home

During the cold winter months, tree squirrels often seek shelter inside the attics of homes. Tree squirrels will find tiny entrance points near the roof of a house. Once inside a home, tree squirrels will chew through insulation and cause other sorts of damage.

Controlling Tree Squirrels

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent tree squirrels from damaging the interior of your home. Many homeowner choose to install exterior tree squirrel control devices, which trap squirrels before they can enter a home.

If your home is experiencing a tree squirrel problem, the experts at Gopher Patrol will be there to assist you. Our Riverside rodent removal company can help you eradicate your pest problem and get your home back to normal. To learn more about all of our rodent extermination services, give our Riverside location a call at (855) 460-0564 or visit us on the Web.