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Jiggly, Wiggly, Worms To Swarm Lawns… Grub Summer Treatments Now Offered as Infantry in fighting Pest And Mole Control War!

Does your grass have brown patches that never turn green? Does your lawn suffer from irregularly shaped dead patches? These horrifying results could be due to ravenous grubs looking for a full meal in your lawn, as well as the hungry moles and other mammals who eat them. The only suggested all encompassing sure fix is with severe pest and mole control from Gopher Patrol. According to Tech Supervisor Brandon Rodriguez, “Our company uses all inclusive treatment programs to promote full and healthy lawns.”

The most common ones seen are white and creamy colored. They are a beetle larvae that has a “C” for cookie shape. Here are just a few helpful hints in trying to keep an eye on those pests:

If you have dead patches...They  may be due to grub feeding that occurred the previous fall. To check, lift a piece of your turf. If grubs are the culprit, the dead patch will roll up like a carpet, or you’ll be able to pull up the grass and see that it has no roots.

  • If you have irregularly shaped dead patches…They  will appear in your well-irrigated lawn in late summer or early fall. Check your turf using the technique just mentioned.

  • If your turf has become spongy…Sometimes you can detect sponginess before extensive brown patches appear. With well-watered lawns, sponginess may be the first clue that grubs are present.

  • Birds, skunks, armadillos, raccoons or moles are tearing up your lawn – they eat grubs and are trying to uncover them.

Grubs CAN and WILL  take over and destroy a lawn in one summer. In its first instar, or earliest stages of larvae development, the Scarab Beetle grub feeds on the turf roots just below the soil surface. This damage generally occurs in Spring, however, the actual damage does not become apparent until the hot dry days of Summer set in. With an extended period of hot dry weather the top layer of soil dries out completely! The grass roots – being sheared off just below the soil – are unable to absorb any water or moisture from the soil and consequently the lawn dies in the patches where the curl grubs have been active. If left untreated, the population will grow and you will have more problems with other outdoor pests such as gophers coming to visit and helping to destroy your lawn.

Gopher Patrol is best targeted warrior against the whole lifecycle of the grub and beetle. By eradicating the entire lifecycle you completely eliminate any future pest populations. Gopher Patrol is available Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm and on Saturdays from 9am-2pm. You can reach them at 1-888-466-4674 or locally at 1-951-689-8200. 

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