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Facts about Gophers

On the lookout


The gopher may have been the star of the classic comedy film Caddyshack, but they are best known for their ability to destroy lawns and gardens. To help you better understand your enemy, here are some quick facts about gophers.

Gophers are vegetarians, eating only roots, trees, shrubs, grass, and plants. Gophers build complex underground tunnel systems, many of which can be seen just below the surface of your lawn or garden. For the most part, gophers are solitary creatures, and only one will be found in a tunnel system at a time.

If gophers are destroying your lawn or garden, call the gopher remove experts at Gopher Patrol. Family owned and operated, Gopher Patrol of Riverside, CA can keep these pesky creatures from damaging your beautiful property. Visit our website or call us at (866) 466-4674 to learn more about our gopher remove services and solutions.

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