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Ways that household rodents can contaminate your living space


Household rodents pose a significant threat to your home and family. These pests can transmit several serious and even life-threatening diseases.  At the first sign of a household rodent infestation, it is essential to call your extermination company right away. To highlight the importance of proper rodent extermination, here are some of the ways that household rodents can contaminate your living space.


Hantavirus is a potentially fatal illness that is most commonly transmitted through contact with rodent droppings or urine. When a person is exposed to infected droppings or urine, he or she may become seriously ill. Hantavirus can cause fever, muscle cramps, and other flu like symptoms. In the past year, three people passed away due to exposure to Hantavirus.

Bubonic Plague

While the Bubonic Plague may seem like an illness from the Dark Ages, rodents are still transmitting this terrible disease in the present day. When a person comes into contact with an infected rodent, he or she may contract a serious illness. There have been cases of the Bubonic Plague reported as recently as the year 2012.


Salmonella is a food-borne illness that can also be transmitted by rodents. When a home is infested with rodents, these pests typically target pantries and food supplies. If a person eats food that has been contaminated with rodents, he or she may develop Salmonella food poisoning. Salmonella can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and even death in certain cases.

At Gopher Patrol, our pest extermination professionals will ensure that your home is free and clear of household rodents. Our extermination company provides homeowners throughout the riverside area with a range of top quality rodent elimination services. To learn more about how we can help you control your rat, mouse, or squirrel problem, give us a call at (855) 460-0564 or visit our website.

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