
Why Birds Can be a Problem Around Your Home

Pajaro en tejado - Bird on roof


When they are part of the natural environment, birds are beautiful and tranquil; when they are invading your home, however, birds are just another pest that need to be removed. Pigeons, house sparrows, and European Starlings are some of the most common nuisance bird species in America. Besides keeping you up all night with their incessant coos and caws, nuisance birds can have an adverse effect on your health and the health of your family. Here are some of the most compelling reasons to hire a bird control specialist if the problem is getting out of hand.

Human Health Risks 
Pest birds like the ones mentioned above are typically very dirty animals. In large populations, birds can have significant adverse effect on human health and safety. For instance, pigeons are known to carry and transmit disease including toxoplasmosis, encephalitis, and even Salmonella. Breathing bird droppings can cause further disease, including histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis.

Property Damage
Bird droppings are very corrosive, and can cause significant damage and deterioration to structure and vehicles. Additionally, their nests can clog pipes, causing water damage and electrical outages. Bird nests can also attract secondary insect pests such as mites, gnats, mealybugs, and slugs.

Threat to Native Bird Populations
Most nuisance birds are non-native to North America and have no natural predators in the U.S. This means that birds such as house sparrows and European Starlings compete fiercely for nesting cavities, something killing the original cavity-holding birds and often destroying their eggs and young. In large numbers, nuisance birds will also keep smaller birds away.

Even if you are a bird lover, you probably recognize that there is a point where enough is enough. If your home is covered in pigeons or any other nuisance bird, contact Gopher Patrol of Riverside, CA. In addition to our gopher and rodent removal services, we also offer bird control measures that will restore order to your home. Call us at (855) 460-0564 to learn more.


Identifying the Differences Between Moles and Gophers

On the lookout


If it looks like someone has been digging in your lawn or flower bed, the culprit might be right under your nose. Moles and gophers have been frustrating gardeners, caretakers, and homeowners in Southern California for decades. Fortunately, a rodent removal expert can eradicate the infestation before your lawn or flower bed looks like the surface of an alien planet. To make sure you receive the correct pest control services, try to identify whether your home is overrun with moles or gophers. These tips will help you in identifying the pest.

Mole Runs vs. Gopher Burrows
One of the easiest ways to tell the difference between moles and gophers is to look at the damage to your lawn or garden. Moles often create shallow surface tunnels that look like a raised ridge across your yard. Gophers on the other hand dig tunnels and push dirt to the surface, which result in irregular shaped mounds around your lawn. Don’t worry if the difference is not as clear to you as it is to us. After all, we have 16 years of experience dealing with gophers and moles.

Physical Differences
If a mole or gopher comes up from below the surface and you catch a glimpse of the intruder, take note of the intruder. Moles have tiny eyes and their ear canals are concealed beneath their fur. Their front feet are larger than their hind feet, and they have webbed toes. Gophers have small flattened heads. Gophers also tend to be “buck-toothed.”

Pest Control Requirements
Gophers and moles might not come from the same species, but the pest control methods to eradicate them from your home or business or quite similar. A targeted attack with baits and poisons is the most effective way to eliminate gophers and moles on your property. Gopher Patrol even offers monthly service plans to ensure on-going gopher and mole control.

To learn why Gopher Patrol is one of the leading gopher and mole removal experts in Riverside, CA, visit our website or call us at (855) 460-0564. Based in Riverside, we have served Southern California withquality gopher and mole control for over 16 years.


What You Need to Know to Keep Rats Away

Rats and mice are notorious houseguests. Once inside your home, they make their way into the attic and use your insulation to create a nesting area. Rats will eat through anything in search of food, including electrical wiring. The danger of electrical fires is matched by the danger of inhaling rat droppings, which can cause humans to become seriously ill.

This video provides some helpful tips for getting rid of rats or keeping rats away from your home. By securing food sources and keeping your yard free of debris and tall grass, you can make your home less attractive to rats and other rodents. You should also use steel mesh to cover entry holes into your home.





Watch this video for more rat control and prevention tips. If you can’t get rid of rodents on your own, call in the professionals at Gopher Control. Our rodent removal experts can remove rats and mice for good, and we go the extra step to ensure that they don’t come back. Contact us online or call (855) 460-0564 to learn more about our rodent removal services in Riverside, CA.


Easy Ways to Make Your Home Less Attractive to Common Pests

No matter what you do, common pests such as ants, fleas, and roaches can find their way into your home or business. While there is no surefire way to make your home inaccessible to bugs and insects, you can take steps to make your property less attractive to pests commonly found in Southern California.

Gopher Control


The best way to make your home less attractive to pests is to keep it clean. You may not like a dirty home, but roaches, ants, and other pests love when you forget to sweep the floors or put away dirty dishes. Clean up spills, put away food, and regularly clean your floors and cabinets to eliminate possible pest food sources. You should also have your home sprayed by a professional pest control company.

While there are many over-the-counter sprays available, only a professional pest control company uses products that will continue to work until the next scheduled application date. Whether your home is currently overrun with pests or you simply want to avoid an infestation in the future, Gopher Control of Riverside can help. Visit our website or call us at (855) 460-0564 to learn more about our pest control services in Riverside, CA.


Spotlight on Our Commercial Gopher Control Service

On the move!


Gophers can be a nuisance for homeowners, but they can cause hundreds or even thousands of dollars’ worth of damage on large commercial properties. In addition to the physical damage gophers can cause, a gopher hole is a lawsuit waiting to happen, especially if your property is open to the public. The good news is that there is a gopher removal expert in Riverside who can help curb gopher activity on your property.

Gopher Patrol works closely with commercial property owners and city and county parks to keep gopher activity to a minimum. Our commercial gopher removal experts are trained in the latest inspection and eradication techniques to ensure that no gopher goes unnoticed on your commercial property. If you are a maintenance administrator or commercial property owner in Riverside, CA call Gopher Patrol at (855) 460-0564 to learn more about our gopher removal services.